Ieskats arhīvos. Ideālais muzejs #Ēkultūra

Ielūkojamies domnīcas Creative Museum projektu arhīvā un dalāmies ar ieskatu 2016. gada plānotājā, ko veidojām sadarbībā ar dizaina biroju H2E. Toreiz mēģinājām uzburt savu – ideālo muzeju. Un lūk: 12 citāti un 12 ilustrācijas, kuras kopsummā veidoja muzeju, kādu to vēlamies.

Ar minimāliem izteiksmes līdzekļiem ilustrētā katra citāta būtiskākā ideja atstāj vietu iztēlei. 

Vai tas toreiz bija manifests, kādam jābūt labam muzejam? Lai tā būtu! 


"A museum is a medium which affects all senses – it should be intellectually-challenging, satisfying, fun, inspirational and enriching" –

"... a three-dimensional story, the examination of which requires maximum participation from the visitors" – 

"... one of the places in culture where it really does look better on the wall than it does on the screen" –

still, "When it comes to museum visits, the digital environment is a great addition" –

in short: "Museums are an extension of our common public space" –

so "Give me a big label!" –

preferably in a "Museum with charms and chairs" –

and maybe even "An ace caff" too ...

indeed, "Museums are like photo albums of the entire country – which can be opened, examined and supplemented from time to time" –

simply because "Arts and industries are part of the same project!" –

relevant for you from an early age: "Childhood is where most of our education takes place, so it's only natural that museums should have a relationship with children" –

to a later stage ...

"Museums are F***ing Awesome!" – 

we just couldn't agree more.














Concept: Creative Museum, design: H2E, photo: Didzis Grodzs

Ineta Zelča Sīmansone

Domnīcas Creative Museum vadītāja | Creative Museum Director